Collect 25 million observations of BC’s incredible diversity of life, to help keep it abundant forever.
Explore and observe BC this Spring
As nature blossoms and bursts into colour this spring, explore BC and observe the natural wonders of this beautiful province.
When you visit BC’s provincial parks and nature areas, collect photographic observations of plants, animals, fungi, and other organisms, then upload them to iNaturalist and other nature‑reporting apps such as eBird and WhaleReport. These observations help researchers develop a deeper understanding of what parks protect and inform management decisions to sustain these protected areas for future generations.
Our Wildlife Forever program uses various forms of data collection including remote wildlife cameras, eDNA and citizen science initiatives to grow our understanding of the state of B.C.’s parks.
Start by joining our 25×25 campaign now and receive opportunities to win, learn, and explore.

Things to see (April‑June)
Spring is the season of growth. Longer days and warm weather trigger the breeding season as nature blossoms and comes alive. Here are some of the highlights from around our province from April to June.
Great Blue Heron’s nest can be seen throughout Stanley Park and across the province as these giant birds begin the nesting season.
Anna’s hummingbirds, found on the southwest coast year‑round, are especially active as they start to build their nests.
Pacific herring start to spawn on shorelines along the coast, often in large events that attract countless seabirds, sea lions and humpback whales.
Grey whales can be found migrating along the west coast of Vancouver Island.
Wildflowers start to bloom in southwest B.C.
Brant geese arrive in large numbers along B.C.’s coast.

If you’re going out into nature, take some photos. Post to iNaturalist, eBird, Birds Canada, or the WhaleReport App. Don’t know what you’re looking at? Apps like Seek can help you identify plants and animals, allowing you to automatically send what you’ve found to iNaturalist. Still don’t know what you’re looking at? Post anyways, because experts look at the photos to identify and verify the observations. In a country as big as Canada, it will take a team effort to get a handle on what is happening to our wildlife. Join the team today!Sally Otto (Via)
There are exciting events being held across BC to help you get closer to the spectacular nature on our doorstep. Each season we’ll list some of our highlights to help you get out there and record observations and help us reach 25 million nature observations by 2025.
- BC Parks Foundation Booth – Canada Day, Cloverdale, July 1st, 2023

A biodiversity ark
Our parks house 75% of Canada’s mammals, the most biodiversity in North America, and dozens of migratory species on their terrific long journeys.
They protect some of the greatest ecological diversity to be found in our planet’s temperate zone.
Our parks also buffer against climate change by storing carbon, preventing flooding and drought, and preserving biodiversity.

iNat Photography Guide

Parks Bingo – Vancouver Island Region

Parks Bingo – BC Birds

Parks Bingo – BC Trees

iNaturalist – How‑to Guide